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Camera Capture System

CAMERA CAPTURE SYSYTEM adalah alat dengan kemampuan merekam dan mengirim gambar dalam resolusi tinggi secara berkala di lokasi pemasangan, sistem ini dapat beroperasi berdasarkan timer yang telah ditentukan atau deteksi gerakan. sistem ini secara otomatis mengambil gambar dan mengirimnya ke server melalui IoT. Hasil dari pengambilan gambar ini kemudian dapat dengan cepat dan aman diakses dan dimonitor melalui Telegram Group.


Higertech is a business technology consultant which provide IT Solution and hardware integration, that you need. Choose to custom build or ready-to-use system. We specialised in Internet of Things (IoT) integration, such as telemetry technology and Data Logger. Our technology will help you to cut manual process, reduce cost and plan your business better. Plus, data analytics which will help you to get the context of your business, create data-driven strategy to grow it further. Higertech provide wide ranges of services that can help your business, affordable and suited to your needs.