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Sensor Sonar Automatic Water Level Recorder

Sensor Sonar merupakan bagian salah satu komponen dari Perangkat AWLR atau Automatic Water Level Recorder yang berfungsi untuk mengukur kedalaman sungai, saluran irigasi, bendung & bendungan dengan kedalaman berikisar 10 hingga 30 Meter. Sensor tipe Sonar ini cocok digunakan untuk saluran air yang mengandung Sendimentasi tinggi.


Higertech is a business technology consultant which provide IT Solution and hardware integration, that you need. Choose to custom build or ready-to-use system. We specialised in Internet of Things (IoT) integration, such as telemetry technology and Data Logger. Our technology will help you to cut manual process, reduce cost and plan your business better. Plus, data analytics which will help you to get the context of your business, create data-driven strategy to grow it further. Higertech provide wide ranges of services that can help your business, affordable and suited to your needs.